SRATE Journal

The SRATE Journal is a peer-reviewed publication of the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators. The mission of the SRATE Journal is dissemination of scholarship and research related to the profession of teaching with an emphasis on teacher preparation. The journal is published twice yearly using thematic and non-thematic formats and indexed by ERIC.

The latest journal edition, 2024, Volume 33, Issue 1, has just been published!

The latest Call for Manuscripts for Volume 33, Issue 2 is available here!  The deadline to submit is November 30, 2024.

If you have any questions, contact the co-editors, Drs. Cheryl Lambert or Adam Attwood at or

Editorial, Review, & Publication Process

Board of Peer Reviewers

Editorial and Publication Process:
  • SRATE Journal articles are published under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license, (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International). SRATE Journal is indexed in ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), and we encourage citations/references to SRATE Journal articles to list the ERIC article number and link as its permanent identifier.
  • SRATE Journal peer review process: Manuscripts undergo an initial editorial review to ensure submitted manuscripts are within the scope of the journal and meet the listed requirements in the call for manuscripts. Manuscripts that pass initial editorial review then undergo masked peer review. Two reviewers evaluate the manuscript and give their recommendations to the editor(s).
  • SRATE Journal articles are published open access. There are no fees.